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Charles Wells - Passion, or Obsession?

It’s quite the common knowledge that too much of anything is always bad, and as far as gambling is regarded, this rule is even more true-to-life, than in other spheres. That’s so, as being too passionate, or even obsessed with the idea of winning a fortune has never led any single person to a long-term success, no matter how lucky he/she might have been.
In this respect, casino cheating may, of course, help the players receive considerable profits, but only in case, if they know when to stop, whereas the story of a famous roulette cheater Charles Wells perfectly depicts, how the won money can be easily lost.
Born in 1841 to a family with average income, Charles Wells had always dreamt of becoming affluent, no wonder that he used every opportunity to increase his profits. Having started his gambling career, in particular, the player had turned out ready to do absolutely everything to find cash, which could be further bet in casinos.
Eventually, Charles Wells managed to get money from people, who wished to invest into the creation of his “musical jump rope”, though no actual rope had ever existed, and went to Monte Carlo to play.

Miraculous Night

Charles Wells

It’s being sometimes stated that miracles can happen with everyone of us, and the night, when Charles Wells managed to win a million francs, having hit the jackpot for 12 times within 11 hours, may be, perhaps, called a true miracle for him. The player himself later admitted that it had been rather luck, than some specific strategy of his, which had been successfully used, as he had bet according to simple Martingale system that night. Nevertheless, some research has already proved that it had been the biased roulette wheels, not the gambler’s own fortune, which made such winnings possible.
Although the following year wasn’t less successful for Charles Wells, he had, eventually, lost all his winnings, and, was, moreover, arrested by the Police, as his fraudulence had been revealed.

Learn the Lessons of the Past

Despite the fact, that the story of the most successful gambler within the whole roulette history was even commemorated in a song (“The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo” by Fred Gilbert), the only obvious conclusion, which should be made from it is that the reasonable mind should lead a player, not the obsessive desire to win.

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